Her eyes stare vacantly out the window,
Twin sapphire orbs set back in a cradle of
mineralized osseous tissue,
As her hands splay like golden stars
amongst the sheets of satin,
Her line of vision dances from one raindrop
slicing through the cold air of late fall,
To another,
and another...
Suddenly, as if on cue,
Suddenly, as if on cue,
the bed dips and sways like
the hips of a pair of lovers dancing,
Joints buckle, she cascades backwards,
The ribbons of her hair slither like
onyx snakes over the expanse of the
cloud beneath her,
His tongue slides like a fat, wet toad
across the pillow of her lips,
demanding entrance to the cave beyond
Musky, needy breath washes
Musky, needy breath washes
over the organ of her skin,
Leaving the tiniest rows of goosebumps
to decorate her,
He wraps around her like recalcitrant
sheets wrap around the legs of one
in the early morning,
After all this time,
she's finally learned not to fight back,
For it is a useless effort,
Like trying to find a corner
on a round building,
Minutes pass like hours
until the ritual of lust is finally
Seeping the honey of his
She runs sweaty fingers through
her dark hair, pulling and tugging
at the knots he made with his
He returns to the technicolor
box of noise in the other room,
Satiated and content,
Like a fat swine after eating slop
and rolling in filth,
Her eyes go back to dancing from
raindrop to raindrop,
While the clock "tssssk's" in
disappointment of her complacent attitude
towards her life...
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