Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Comfort of Christmas

My family sits around the
dinner table, smiling and laughing,
talking happily & regaling one
another with stories of holiday's past,

& I stand in the kitchen, a waft of
scents and aromas float in and around
my body, wrapping me as if I were in a
soft, fluffy blanket of joy,

& I bumble about, stirring,
pouring, chopping, & then,
finally, plating the Christmas

We eat & they rave about its
decadence - I beam with pride,

& then we all sit around a Christmas tree
to listen to the tale of Christmas, baby Jesus,
three wise men, & a sparkly star one clear-skied

That is always when the moment freezes,
right there, just for me - it stops - as if to say
"this moment will never happen again, so drink it
in while you have it."

& I always do, for the presents are appreciated,
the dinner was a success, but the real comfort
comes in having my entire family
around me - as if I were the most beautiful
Christmas tree of all - and so I watch them,
drink them in - because by next year - who knows
where life will have taken us all,

But in that moment - I am comforted


  1. Enjoying the festivities with our near and dear ones indeed is very peaceful and comforting:)

  2. because by next year - who knows
    where life will have taken us all

    How wonderful that you can already respect the fragility of time... you never know.

  3. amen. i agree completely...its not so much the meal or the presents as much as it is the presence of each other, the being with and feeling loved.....

  4. Christmas, a very special time indeed; i luv your poem; have a nice Wednesday

    much love...

  5. Lovely, the best times are when we fell and express love with those we love. This is very nice.

  6. Celebrating festival with family around is not only comforting but also enriching. These little actions, reactions add meaning to life and make it complete.

  7. I do think there is something very comforting about celebrating traditional holidays with family. There is something about the familiarity of these days that gives a person a sense of peace & history as well. Beautifully penned.

  8. I truly believe to live life's moments....with family is that much more special.

  9. You catch the value and comfort of shared traditions given the impermanence of life.

  10. Yes, there is so much comfort in that moment. And what a great reminder to savor them! Enjoyed this.

  11. Have to agree - such a great feeling when the family can all be together!

  12. Hi! It's such a nice feeling, as you say, to enjoy the holidays with ones loved. xxx Merry Christmas
